Category: Cooking
Campfire Starting Hacks (Fun and Simple)
Do you want to have a fun and educational experience with the family while camping? Consider this: when preparing to start your campfire, have a little campfire starting competition! It is a lifetime skill that will enhance their enjoyment of the outdoors. Starting a campfire is an easy task once you know the basics. We…
Tinfoil Dinners Video
For todays video, we used a previous article to make one of our favorite camping meals, Tinfoil Dinners! (or hobo dinners!) on the coals of a campfire! The best part about tinfoil dinners is that the whole group can choose what they want, and everybody is happy!
Foil Your Hunger with Tinfoil Dinners!
We just had a wonderful (cold weather) outdoor experience with our family! We decided to get together, build a fire, and have tinfoil dinners around the fire. Since there were people of various ages, and knowing that each person had a particular preference for food, we decided to have our tinfoil dinners cooked in the…